Month: September 2019
Web Design & IT Services in Swanage, Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset by Matthew Pond
Fatal error: Call to undefined function post_exists()
The files in wp-admin are only loaded when you’re in the admin area… when you’re looking at pages or posts those functions aren’t loaded. In that case you’d need to require the file first, so you’d want to do something like this in your function:
WooCommerce Conditional Tags
All conditional tags test whether a condition is met, and then return either TRUE or FALSE. WooCommerce page is_woocommerce() Returns true if on a page which uses WooCommerce templates (cart and checkout are standard pages with shortcodes and thus are not included). Main shop page is_shop() Returns true when on the product archive page (shop). Product category page … Continued
Get list of all product categories in WooCommerce
The following code will output all the product categories in WooCommerce as a list of links: